Glad to see a place for comment, which hopefully includes questions and advice. I am a reasonably fit and healthy 73-year old male (and German, not that it matters for this), and determined to rebuild a recent loss of some muscle mass and about ten pounds of weight. I'm normally 163#, so a loss of 10+ pounds is discouraging...although I seem to be steadily gaining it back now that I'm working on a small extent.

Regarding muscles, I am still strong enough to do numerous reps of 20# dumbbell curls, pushups and stationary bicycle work, but I had a knee replacement in early September that seems fully healed with some stiffness and aches, but recovering nicely. I have the other knee scheduled for April, and want to work out as much as possible prior to the surgery so that I am better shape for the recovery than I was for the first one.

Is there a scaled-down version of the GVT program for the more "mature" trainee that I should follow, other than simple common sense, or anything specific I should be alert to in terms of possible damage I might do without realizing it.

Thanks for any advice or guidance you might offer.

Don Kirchner


(I'm not on Twitter.)

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