Oct 19, 2022Liked by Scott Mayer

Absolutely brilliant piece Scott !

I think this a worldwide problem. Certainly here in South Africa..

Challenge accepted.

Peace !

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I'm a little disappointed this has been published. This is an incredibly nuanced topic and the piece is deeply shaming of antidepressants, medically misinformed, and promises a solution that is not a universal solution. Many people do find peace in nature, many people do not. Many people need medication like antidepressants to survive, and that is not a bad or shameful thing. Just because you did not get along with them and were lucky to have found your solace in the natural world does not mean that it is universally true for everyone. Your use of the term 'happy pills' is stigmatising. I am someone who was on antidepressants, and they really didn't work for me, they made me miserable, but it is extremely ignorant to write like they are not a lifeline for so many people and to downplay the positive effects that they can have for other people. It is fine to write about your own experience, but don't write a piece detailing medical interventions without research and a balanced argument. This piece is irresponsible.

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Perhaps you are right about my use of "happy pills." I could have chosen my words more carefully.

But to suggest my piece is misinformed and irresponsible is flat out wrong. I don't provide ANY medical misinformation. In fact I suggested talking to your doctor (twice) before making any adjustments. And while they are indeed a lifeline for many people, I believe there is an alternative that can be found, hence my article. It may work or it may not, that's for the individual to determine. They were a lifeline for me for a while, but then I ventured to find something better. And I did. Just because you don't like my opinion doesn't mean it's ignorant or irresponsible.

Also, in what universe is going for a walk in nature a "medical intervention without research?"

Most importantly, you should never been disappointed when someone publishes an opinion that's different than yours. That's the whole point of all of this. Don't like it? Publish a different opinion.

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deletedOct 20, 2022Liked by Scott Mayer
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I am glad to hear that Nevzat. Keep going my friend.

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